Monday, March 10, 2008

A Review of Jason Ferruggia's "Muscle Gaining Secrets"

Jason Ferruggia wants to help you gain the most muscle in the shortest amount of time possible (both overall time and time spent at the gym) in his new muscle building program, Muscle Gaining Secrets. So just who is Jason Ferruggia, you might ask? He is a world renowned fitness expert with 14 years of experience in the field. Jason has trained over 500 athletes from more than 20 different sports and has been helping people, just like you and me, build pounds of muscle as fast as possible. He is also the author of four fitness books, and has written hundreds of articles for top-rated training magazines. Now you may be thinking to yourself, that sounds nice and all, but what does Jason's new program offer me, and why should I listen to him?

And you know what, you're very much justified in asking those questions, because with all the hype, outrageous claims, and downright garbage in the muscle building market today, you just don't know whose opinion you should be paying your hard-earned money for! I, for one, have bought and evaluated several different muscle building programs in the past few years, and yes, some of them were better than others. Yet, they all felt somewhat incomplete. However, this is not the case with
Muscle Gaining Secrets. What Jason has assembled here is the ULTIMATE guide to building pounds of muscle onto your frame in a very short period of time; he gives you all the tools necessary to accomplish this, all you have to do is use them. And I myself have been using those tools for the past 2 months, and have gained an impressive 18 pounds of solid muscle! That is the most I've ever gained in that amount of time. That being said, let me now get into the program and discuss some of the things that are included.

First of all, Jason doesn't "fluff up" his program with nonsense, misinformation, or just plain BS. He presents to you the facts and proven strategies about muscle building, and shows you how to use them in a strategic way to build the body of your dreams. Every element about the muscle building process, including: exercise selections and reps, rest periods, nutrition and supplement guidelines, etc. is broken down into a very comprehensible manner that allows you to follow his every word. Whether you're a beginner, a novice, or a seasoned vet in the bodybuilding world, you'll be able to understand what he's talking about at all times. Jason also discusses several key factors that most other programs fail to even mention, including; strategies to keep yourself injury free, strategies to faster muscular recovery, the REAL truth behind supplements, and how to build muscle WHILE burning fat (which a lot of experts say is impossible - but Jason tells you why it isn't!). Now that may seem like a pretty solid amount of information, but all of that is just within the
Muscle Gaining Secrets e-book. I haven't even mentioned the bonuses yet!

Jason includes several different workout plans that cater to anyone from a beginner to an advanced bodybuilder. He also includes a workout plan entitled, "The Home Gym Warrior"- which allows anyone to perform a KILLER workout from the comfort of their own home using just dumbbells and bodyweight exercises. Apart from these, Jason also includes an Exercise Database, several other bodybuilding e-books, a muscle growth tracking computer program, a lifetime membership to his Muscle Gaining Secrets forum, and my personal favorite, muscle building diet plans.

Wow! There really is a lot of information and resources jam-packed into this program. But I am telling you, this isn't just filler, all of these bonuses really will help you along the way to the body of your dreams. And for $67, this program is a STEAL for all of the great information being offered to you. In my opinion, you just can't go wrong with the Muscle Gaining Secrets program. But don't let me be the one to say that this program is for you - let Jason himself do that. You can read more about his program and view testimonials of some of his other satisfied clients by clicking here - Muscle Gaining Secrets